Announcement - A challenge to you, and myself
I will be proposing a challenge to myself, and to the people who read my blog. Whether you be a writer or not, let's do something together, shall we? For the rest of the year, I will be writing thirty short stories, which is approximately one short story every 8.5 days.
The challenge starts today and will end on New Years Eve of this year. Prizes will include:
- self-esteem.
- An impressive library of short stories to bother some editor at a magazine with.
- Most of all will come the discipline of doing a thing you love every day for a year!
The rules are simple:
- Stories must be at least 500 words, and free of as many grammatical errors as possible.
- Story must be a story and not just random thoughts. Ask a question, then answer the question by the end of the story. You know, plot.
- Stories must be posted at the end of the week, Sunday before midnight, or you're tardy for the party. (doesn't mean anything, just means you should be ashamed of yourself)
- Once your story is up, post it at the #ShortStoryAWeek on twitter so we can all read it!
If you are one of those rebel types, and just not into following rules, join the club. I'm not a fan either. Post anyway. Everyone is welcome in this big bus of love (which is really just a utility van without windows).
So come on people. Join me. Let's do this thing and prove to the world that success is just another word for will power! And beer. Lots of beer. Or coffee. You know. Whatever drug you need.
Join us at